Adina Ding

Adina Ding


Adina Ding is a visual artist who works with poetic imagery, creating both figurative and abstract works led by fantasy and imagination.

Her subject matter includes exquisite landscapes, abundant nature, radiant animals and mysterious women. Those female protagonists are glazing out at the viewer or pictured in powerful transcendental actions, conjuring up light, growth and weather.

She uses a combination of fully rendered detail and more experimental fluid, dripping paint, as well as texture and over painting to create further layers within the work.

Celestial influence is important in several of the works, with shiny pin points of stars and blasts of sunlight coming into the frame.

The landscapes that feature within her paintings are tranquil coastal scenes, lush vistas of seasonal bounty and underwater worlds. Boats, birds and jellyfish all come to life within her compositions, they are moving within in her imaginary landscapes, creating a notion of freedom. This is reinforced by the confident presence of the people within her paintings, steady and contented, free spirited as the birds.

Several works hold multiple elements of narrative, for example a scene of two convening golden planets, large on the horizon and electric in their bolts of interaction; or the girl with antlers which are also trees, meandering between pines, accompanied by a multi-coloured planet and scarab-eye motifs. Each painting is also accompanied by a poem, written by Ding, that further reflects on the story of the work.