

The day I decided to paint, I had one wish.
It was a strong desire to 'present a picture'.


I wanted to make you happy by giving you the best of what I have.
Beyond just making you happy, I wanted to congratulate you on being born into this world and bless your future.

What picture can contain my wish?
What is the 'good thing' that makes people happy?
To find out, I looked into myself, my oldest friend.

Reminds me of the world I love. Something beautiful to look at.
Something tasty and fragrant. Warm or cool.
Tranquil rest, good and loving hearts.

After the trip in memory, I made up my mind.
I want to go on a picnic with you.
On a beautiful day, I will spread out the presents I picked myself on a quiet hill. I hope you will be happy to receive it.

When the painting is complete, I pray.
To be loved the way you are.